
התאמות אפשריות נוספות

לחצו על שורה כדי לראות את פרטי העדות המלאים.

מהיכן הקורבנות היישוב או המחוז שבו ממוקם קבר האחים העדות
Józefówka near Łucko Józefówka The next day, Jews were l...
Wołotyniów Łuck county Wołotyniów Łuck county On the same day, my wife ...
Plaszow Krakow Haasse Oleander came from...
Krakow Krakow Pinie Koza' (Pinie the Go...
Pustków camp Chujowa Górka Their barracks were separ...
Brest on the Bug Bronna Góra Once Jews were loaded ont...
Sanok (Jews from Orelec, Olszanica and Stefkowa?) Rudenka A similar, but smaller gr...
Markowice, County of Nysa Borkowice Exhumation report: "The M...
Łączki, Nysa county Łączki, Borkowice? In late January 1945 poli...
Kisielow and Borowce Horodenka a few hundred were drive...
Rawa Mazowiecka Rawa Mazowiecka Germans took 17 Jews [......
Kobaki Kobaki Szebfeld Mendel and his w...
Mielec (Jews from the work camp) Chorzelow Another 25 people were s...
Debica Lysa Gora [21 July 1942] all the ol...
Rudki Berezynza On 9 April, the ghetto wa...
Podhajczyki [Rudki county, Lvov voivodeship] Buhajczyk forest After the outbreak of the...
Podhajczyki [Rudki county, Lvov voivodeship] Buhajczyk forest After the last action in ...
Horodok Gródek Jagielloński [Franz Weiskind] [...] I...
Horodok Gródek Jagielloński at the end of July of tha...
Biała [Chortkiv county, Ternopil voivodeship] Biala That night [6 July 1941] ...
Chortkiv Czarny Las (Black Forest) In November [1941] an ord...
Drohobych Bronica Jews brought to Sammelste...
Drohobych Bronica 300 Jews got a notice fro...
Drohobych Bronica Few hundred middle-aged J...
Drohobych Bronica ...