
התאמות אפשריות נוספות

לחצו על שורה כדי לראות את פרטי העדות המלאים.

מהיכן הקורבנות היישוב או המחוז שבו ממוקם קבר האחים העדות
Kielce Kielce The Germans put the docto...
Kielce Kielce On 31 May 1943 soldiers c...
Horodenka Horodenka In the summer of 1942 ano...
Horodenka Szeparowce [1941] During the first a...
Radziechów Pokaczewski Forest Germans surrounded the gh...
Łuniniec Łuniniec They did the same thing i...
Radom Radom I lived near a Jewish bat...
Lublin Lubartow Germans took everyone fro...
Lublin Lublin On 15th March 1942 the li...
Lublin Lublin I was an eye-witness of h...
Lublin Lublin Next day, the same SS off...
Radom Radom 1943] "Germans used many ...
Radom Radom In 1944, they took the re...
Buchach Sosenki Till 2 a.m. gathered peop...
Tykocin Łopuchowo They gathered all Jews fr...
Lublin Lublin Germans came to the orpha...
Lublin Lublin In March 1942 Lell along ...
Radom Radom Another group of 40, incl...
Lublin Voivodeship Lublin Voivodeship Next chapter of this horr...
Słomniki Słomniki Searching groups of Sonde...
Lublin Lublin The trucks slowed down an...
Sambir Radłowice "In early 1942 (spring) p...
Serniki [Pińsk municipality] Serniki [Pińsk municipality] Around 40 children under ...
Słomniki Słomniki We spent 4 days on wetlan...
Lublin Lublin A particularly cruel Germ...