
התאמות אפשריות נוספות

לחצו על שורה כדי לראות את פרטי העדות המלאים.

מהיכן הקורבנות היישוב או המחוז שבו ממוקם קבר האחים העדות
Ternopil Blonie The next day, on Thursday...
Bochnia Bochnia Near ghetto A, Germans dr...
Bochnia Baczków [25 August 1942] On that ...
Wieliczka Niepołomice Forest [28 August 1942] Everybod...
Kłomnice Radom Jews from Kłomnica were q...
Krakow Płaszów My whole family was selec...
Krakow Krakow On a day after the displa...
Krakow Plazsow? In the morning of 3 Marc...
Krakow Plazsow On the first day of work,...
Rabka Tereska People were gathered acco...
Pokuttya Dniester River Dying in the depths of th...
Szczytniki, Klimontów commune Szczytniki Adler Luzer, Itla and Fra...
Krakow Płaszów [14 March 1943] In the me...
Lublin Majdan Tatarski [...] children along with...
Plaszow Krakow Haasse Oleander came from...
Krakow Krakow Pinie Koza' (Pinie the Go...
Berezhany Litiatyn around 6,000 Jews were "r...
Bolechow Taniawa On 29th October everyone ...
Bolekhiv Taniawa 900 people were squeezed ...
Buchach Fedor In the morning of 4 Febru...
Berezhany Litiatyn [17-18 December 1941] In ...
Chełmno Chełmno 3 km west toward Koło. It...
Horodenka Siemakowice Later on a truck arrived ...
Horodenka Siemakowice "2600 people, men, women ...
Kraśnik Kraśnik The rest, in rows of five...