
התאמות אפשריות נוספות

לחצו על שורה כדי לראות את פרטי העדות המלאים.

מהיכן הקורבנות היישוב או המחוז שבו ממוקם קבר האחים העדות
Lvov Lvov [July or August 1942] The...
Lvov Lvov Before that, they were fo...
Sosnowiec Sosnowiec remaining Jews who preten...
Sosnowiec Sosnowiec After the displacement ac...
Tluste Tluste At the end of 1942, durin...
Tluste Tluste our town became "Judenfre...
Lvov Lvov I saw my brother. [...] H...
Tluste Tluste On Thursday 27 May [1943]...
Tluste Tluste [6 June 1943] Within thre...
Tluste Tluste Through the window it was...
Tluste Tluste They began leading the Je...
Tluste Tluste Gendarmes surrounded the ...
Tluste Tluste We could hear gunshots, o...
Lvov Lvov The guarding SS man would...
Suprasl Suprasl 19 August 1941, the woods...
Supraśl Supraśl 19 August 1942 people we...
Braslaw Braslaw [1942] I left the town an...
Wolbrom Wolbrom 5 December 1942 near Wolb...
Lvov Lvov The worst situation was o...
Lvov Lvov In August 1942 those 100 ...
Lvov Lvov When the prison was full,...
Lvov Lvov When the ghetto was liqui...
Lvov Lvov 50% of the Jewish communi...
Breslaw Breslaw Once all the Jews gathere...
Zaburzany Zaburzany The pits-graves had alrea...