
התאמות אפשריות נוספות

לחצו על שורה כדי לראות את פרטי העדות המלאים.

מהיכן הקורבנות היישוב או המחוז שבו ממוקם קבר האחים העדות
Dukla Barwinek The group of people inten...
Tomaszow Mazowiecki Tomaszow Mazowiecki In November 1941 the so-...
Płaszów Płaszów Dredger - this word used ...
Płaszów Płaszów In grave 1, 2500 Jews are...
Krakow Płaszów [14 March 1943] In the me...
Tomaszow Mazowiecki Tomaszow Mazowiecki And again, after a few mo...
Ustrzyki Dolne Ustrzyki Dolne At night they were taken ...
Lvov Lasienice First massacre, which too...
Rowne now Ukraine Rowne now Ukraine More than 250 people, onl...
Rowne now Ukraine Rowne now Ukraine On Shevat 14th [1941] in ...
Rowne now Ukraine Rowne now Ukraine On the last day of Pesach...
Rowne now Ukraine Rowne now Ukraine [July 1942] The liquidati...
Rowne now Ukraine Kostopil [July 1942] he rest was ...
Horodenka Siemakowice Later on a truck arrived ...
Stepan Kostopil During the harvest in sum...
Radomsko Radomsko On 9 and 12 January 1943,...
Radomsko Radomsko While driving back, in th...
Przemisl Grochowice 1939 we had a taste of wh...
Tomaszow Lubelski Tomaszow Lubelski [autumn 1943] All Jews fr...
Nieśwież Nieśwież On 30 October 1941 Jews, ...
Nieśwież Wojtkowszczyzna On 30 October 1941 Jews, ...
Lvov Lesienice Each executions was prece...
Druya Druya I heard that a similar th...
Miechów Miechów 22 November 1942 at the J...
Dukla Tylawa 400 old people and childr...