
התאמות אפשריות נוספות

לחצו על שורה כדי לראות את פרטי העדות המלאים.

מהיכן הקורבנות היישוב או המחוז שבו ממוקם קבר האחים העדות
Wola Goryńska, behind Kruszyna, Radom county Wola Goryńska (behind Kruszyna), Radom county In a pine forest (right b...
Broczków, Dolina county Broczkow camp Broczków village, where 6...
Kolbuszowa Glogow village Transportations from Rzes...
Radomysl Wielki Radomysl Wielki On Sunday, 19th July 1942...
Berdechow - Chorzelow Berdechow Villagers from Berdechów ...
Radomyśl Wielki. Radomyśl Wielki. In June 1942, German gend...
Krzemieniec Maczkowa valley Next day, I learned about...
Biala Podlaska Biala Podlaska [25/26 September 1942] Al...
Kisielow and Borowce Kisielow and Borowce In the villages located o...
Kisielow and Borowce Horodenka a few hundred were drive...
Rawa Mazowiecka Rawa Mazowiecka Germans took 17 Jews [......
Wlodawa Wlodawa Great sadness came to our...
Ashmyany Oszmiana Bartele On 25 July 1941 [...] 12 ...
Borowa Borowa On 25 June 1943, we were ...
Markowice, County of Nysa Borkowice Exhumation report: "The M...
Niemce village Niemce village [January 1940] In countes...
Tomaszow Mazowiecki (Jews mostly from the ghetto but also including several dozen Jews brought from Rawa Mazowiecka and Biala Rawska) Tomaszow Mazowiecki October 1942: During the ...
Kamionka Strumiłowa (along with Jews from Busko, Chołojów, and Radziechów) Kamionka Strumiłowa On Yom Kippur of 1942, th...
Romejki village Romejki 30 October 1943, Romejki ...
Brest on the Bug Bronna Góra Once Jews were loaded ont...
Brest on the Bug Gierszony At the end of the liquid...
Biała [Chortkiv county, Ternopil voivodeship] Biala That night [6 July 1941] ...
Skawina (Jews from surrounding villages) Skawina Near Skawina, on the way ...
Dabrowka near Wolomin Dabrowka All of the aforementioned...
Kamionka (along with Jews from Busko, Chołojów, and Radziechów) Zabuże Indeed, a few days after ...