
Details of the Deceased (Original)

First Name ריזה רבקה
Spouse יעקב
Last Name פלקוביץ
Date of Death 21.12.42
Remarks נרצחה ברקוב בקדם המאבק עם הנהלה גטו קטן בעלה נרצח בפיטרקוב ו ילדיהם קברו בקבר האחים

Details of the Deceased (Translation to English)

First Name Riza Rivka
Spouse Yaakov
Last Name Plockewitz
Date of Death 1942
Remarks She was murdered in early fight with the administration of the small ghetto, her husband was murdered in Piotrkow, their childdren are buried in the Mass grave


Cemetery Piotrokow
Lot No. 2 (Click to explore)
Row No. 1 (Click to explore)
Position in Row 9
Tombstone ID 2109
Other Inscriptions All inscriptions on the same tombstone

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