
Details of the Deceased (Original)

First Name הינדא רחל
Father משלם הלוי
Last Name הורוויץ
Date of Death ב מנחם אב תרעב
Remarks האב היה רב, נכדת הגאון יצחק אב בית דין קהילת האמבורג ונכדת הגאון הצדיק אלעזר ליפשיץ בעל הב"ש

Details of the Deceased (Translation to English)

First Name Hinda Rachel
Father Meshulem Halevi
Last Name Horowitz
Date of Death 1912
Remarks Father was a Rabbi,grandchild of Rabbi Yitzchak, judge of Hamberg, grandchild of Rabbi Elazar Lipshitz, Baal Ha B"SH


Cemetery Piotrokow
Lot No. 17 (Click to explore)
Row No. 9 (Click to explore)
Position in Row 25
Tombstone ID 17925
Other Inscriptions All inscriptions on the same tombstone

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