
Details of the Deceased (Original)

First Name גיטלה
Father מיכאל
Last Name פא...?
Date of Death
Remarks Fa[...] lub Pa[...] Gitla c. Michała ż. Szmula DSCF8046-51 - הקבר לא נמצא על ידי הגדעונים, ומיקומו נקבע על ידי מפת פשקובסקי - תמונה פשקובסקי

Details of the Deceased (Translation to English)

First Name Gitla
Father Michael
Last Name [Fa..?] or [Pa...?]
Date of Death
Remarks The Grave was not found by the Gidonim, and its location was determined by Paszkowski map - Pic - Paszkowski


Cemetery Częstochowa
Lot No. 8 (Click to explore)
Row No. 5 (Click to explore)
Position in Row 28
Tombstone ID 8528
Other Inscriptions All inscriptions on the same tombstone
ID according to Paszkowski 1375A I H
ID according to Yaari
More Information Information about searching graves in Częstochowa
Map Częstochowa cemetery map

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