Mass Grave Database - Based On Early Testemonies <<< New Search Additional Possible Matches Click a row to see the full testimony details. Where Victims Are From Town/Country Where Mass Grave Is Located Testimony Sniatyn Pytyczker Weldl forest First extermination of Je... Brzesko (Jews from Zakliczyn) Brzesko In Brzesko, in the Jewish... Łopuszno (Jews from elsewhere) Łopuszno In 1941 German soldiers b... Suchedniów Suchedniów 50 bodies were transporte... Mińsk Mazowiecki Mińsk Mazowiecki, Chochół A final termination of t... Wieliczka Roznowa Already on first day afte... Horodenka Horodenka In the summer of 1942 ano... Szebnia Szebnia There was a clearing in t... Zmigrod Halbowa On 7 July 1942 Germans ga... Kalush Kalush [July 1941] [the Germans... Kalush Kalush My father and I ran away ... Kalush Kalush Around 500 Jews were exec... Kalush Kalush At the beginning of 1942 ... Słomniki (Jews from Charsznica) Slomniki In March 1941, my wife an... Busk Busk Yom Kippur of 1942 was on... Busk Busk [1943] Before noon all ho... Piaski Piaski In the autumn of 1942, be... Piaski Piaski The third displacement to... Piaski Czechówka In the evening of the sa... Piaski Czechówka On 28 March another 240 J... Piaski Luterskie. Piaski Luterskie. We received an informatio... Ternopil Janowka In March 1942, upon the r... Ternopil Janówka On Easter Eve, in March 1... Ternopil Janowka In March 1942 Germans ann... Skhidnytsia, Drohobych county Skhidnytsia All women were gathered o... Page 20 | Additional Possible Matches >>>