
Additional Possible Matches

Click a row to see the full testimony details.

Where Victims Are From Town/Country Where Mass Grave Is Located Testimony
Sasiv Sasiv During the action in the ...
Kraśnik Kraśnik The rest, in rows of five...
Rozany Rozany The occupation of Różany ...
Rozwadów Rozwadów [December 1942] Schwammbe...
Kraśnik Kraśnik [1942] In November [1942]...
Sasiv Sasiv Jews were herded towards ...
Sasiv Sasiv During the action in the ...
Pokuttya Dniester River Dying in the depths of th...
Zareby Koscielne Czyzew Sometime in the fall of 1...
Luninets Luninets They began to take the Je...
Sasiv Sasiv In general, 20-25 Jews di...
Sasiv Sasiv In general, 20-25 Jews di...
Stołpce Stołpce [1942] The Ukrainians and...
Zakliczyn Zakliczyn [December 1942] All Jews ...
Zakliczyn Zakliczyn Rommelman and 5 of his su...
Szczytniki, Klimontów commune Szczytniki Adler Luzer, Itla and Fra...
Zakliczyn Zakliczyn On 22 December 1942 durin...
Zakliczyn Zakliczyn In the night between 30 N...
Chelmno Chelmno 3 km away from the palace...
Tuchyn Tuchyn On Monday during Yom Kipp...
Tuchyn Tuchyn The number of Jews rose t...
Tuchyn Tuchyn A couple of times in Tuch...
Raduń Radun On 7 May 1942 the Belarus...
Radom Radom I lived near a Jewish bat...
Radun Radun all of the Jews were herd...