
Additional Possible Matches

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Where Victims Are From Town/Country Where Mass Grave Is Located Testimony
Grybow Grybow On Thursday, the 21st, it...
Plebanowka, Terebovlia Plebanowka, Terebovlia A week after entering, 40...
Plebanowka, Terebovlia Plebanowka People were being dragged...
Manevychi Manevychi The priest told him the w...
Majdanek Majdanek Dr. Cytron heard about th...
Borshchiv Borshchiv 8 actions took place in B...
Borshchiv Borshchiv After the action, they ga...
Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski From working intelligents...
Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski From working intelligents...
Terebovl Plebanowka On 7 April 1943 the secon...
Terebovl Plebanowka On 3 June 1943 the third ...
Gwozdziec Gwozdziec One night in the fall of ...
Zawichost Zawichost Apart from Poles, several...
Tarnow Tarnow [24 June 1942] A terrifyi...
Tarnow Tarnow At 8 o'clock we saw a car...
Tarnów Tarnów The first victim, a woman...
Tarnow Tarnow [June 1942] Some sick, el...
Tarnow Tarnow [June 1942] Our windows o...
Tarnow Tarnow [Rommelman] ordered every...
Tarnow Tarnow All were gathered on the ...
Tarnow Tarnow During the displacement m...
Tarnow Tarnow That is how he [Goeth] ki...
Tarnow Tarnow In April 1942 Jews where ...
Tarnow Tarnow [10 June 1942] some of th...
Tarnow Tarnow On 10 September 1942 anot...