
Additional Possible Matches

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Where Victims Are From Town/Country Where Mass Grave Is Located Testimony
Mścibów Mścibów They felt the children to...
Mykulyntsi Mykulyntsi The Germans entered Mykul...
Pilatkowce Pilatkowce Ukrainians arrested all J...
Bialystok Bialystok [April 1943] Some of the ...
Bialystok Bialystok We were taken to Augustów...
Bialystok Bialystok [1943] In the next weeks,...
Bialystok Bialystok At 9 Legionowa st , over ...
Bialystok Bialystok Groups of those unfortuna...
Bialystok Bialystok On the sae day, under the...
Bialystok Bialystok On the 7th or 8th day sin...
Bialystok Bialystok On Friday, 20 August 1942...
Bialystok Bialystok On 27 June 1941, while en...
Bialystok Bialystok They died in the flames o...
Bialystok Bialystok [27 June 1941] It all beg...
Ivano-Frankivsk Ivano-Frankivsk After a short period of t...
Ivano-Frankivsk Ivano-Frankivsk They were rushed with rif...
Częstochowa Częstochowa SS officers including: Ro...
Ivano-Frankivsk Ivano-Frankivsk On 12 October 1941, at 3 ...
Ivano-Frankivsk Ivano-Frankivsk 12,000 bodies were left a...
Boszczynek Boszczynek There is a mass grave in ...
Ivano-Frankivsk Ivano-Frankivsk "On 12 October 1941 an ac...
Ivano-Frankivsk Ivano-Frankivsk In the autumn of 1942 the...
Ivano-Frankivsk Ivano-Frankivsk On 23 August 1942 a punit...
Szumsk Szumsk [12 August 1942] Germans ...
Ivano-Frankivsk Ivano-Frankivsk On Sunday in September 19...