
Additional Possible Matches

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Where Victims Are From Town/Country Where Mass Grave Is Located Testimony
Lvov Lvov The guarding SS man would...
Karczew Tarczew When we arrived at the ou...
Wolbrom Wolbrom 5 December 1942 near Wolb...
Lvov Lvov The worst situation was o...
Lvov Lvov In August 1942 those 100 ...
Lvov Lvov When the prison was full,...
Lvov Lvov When the ghetto was liqui...
Bryukhovychi [Lvov municipality] Bryukhovychi [Lvov municipality] Remaining Jews had to dig...
Tarnow Tarnow [11 June 1942] [...] then...
Tarnow Tarnow [June 1942] I was sitting...
Tarnów Tarnow That is how the first res...
Tarnow Tarnow Some time later a shootin...
Tarnow Tarnow [Second resettlement] Tha...
Lvov Lychakiv Next day, a militiaman to...
Jaworów Jaworów [1941] Execution of 12 [....
Lvov Lvov 50% of the Jewish communi...
Luninets Luninets They began to take the Je...
Tarnow Tarnow [June 1942] They were col...
Zakliczyn Zakliczyn [December 1942] All Jews ...
Zakliczyn Zakliczyn Rommelman and 5 of his su...
Zakliczyn Zakliczyn On 22 December 1942 durin...
Zakliczyn Zakliczyn In the night between 30 N...
Yarychiv Yarychiv I have exact data receive...
Yarychiv Rymanów [...] took 14 Jews in a c...
Radomysl Radomysl On 13th July 1942 the tow...