
Additional Possible Matches

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Where Victims Are From Town/Country Where Mass Grave Is Located Testimony
Ternopil Ternopil There were a few places o...
Wysocko Wysocko Indeed, on 8/9 September ...
Węgrów Węgrów The search for Jews in th...
Wysock Wysock On the sands near the tow...
Warsaw Warsaw [July 1943?] Before the l...
Zakliczyn Zakliczyn [December 1942] All Jews ...
Szumsk Szumsk [12 August 1942] Germans ...
Zakliczyn Zakliczyn Rommelman and 5 of his su...
Warsaw Warsaw In 1941 I started working...
Warsaw Warsaw I carefully read prof. Ha...
Zakliczyn Zakliczyn On 22 December 1942 durin...
Zakliczyn Zakliczyn In the night between 30 N...
Warsaw Warsaw A week passed since the s...
Kolbuszowa Glogow village Transportations from Rzes...
Augustów Augustów Three days later we were ...
Stowbtsy Stowbtsy One day [after June 1941]...
Stowbtsy Stowbtsy [August 1941] The Germans...
Augustów Augustów In the mid May 1944, our ...
Boryslow Boryslow [2nd July 1941] Outside t...
Wlodzimierz Wolynski Wlodzimierz Wolynski [July 1941] Three weeks a...
Wlodzimierz Wolynski Wlodzimierz Wolynski [December 1942] One Jew a...
Kamianka-Buzka Kamianka-Buzka In the evening, Ukrainian...
Kamianka-Buzka Kamianka-Buzka [November, 1941] An orde...
Rzeszow Glogow They were taken to the fo...
Rzeszow Glogow About 3,000 elderly and s...