
Where vicitims are from, last know location Pustków camp
Town/county where mass grave is located Chujowa Górka
Mass Grave Location Chujowa Górka - bodies burned
Date of Murder Sept 16 1942
Numer of Victims 150-180
Names of Victims Mentioned
Full Testimony Their barracks were separated from us and formed a so-called penal camp. Everyday some bodies were brought from there to the camp during work hours. They were transported to "Chujowa Górka" the following day. [...] At 6 in the morning on Wednesday 16 September [1942] roll-calls were held in both camps and the selection began. Everyone from the penal camp was supposed to be resettled, 150-180 people were left, but they were executed on the spot and transported to "Chujowa Górka" to be burnt. This execution was led by SS Haupsturmfuehrer Albrecht. Kobs and he shot everyone on the spot.
Testimony Number 301/802
page in longer testimony page 7
Date of Testimony Tarnow
Name of Witness Józef Weinstock
Current Country Poland