
Where vicitims are from, last know location Navahrudak
Town/county where mass grave is located Navahrudak
Mass Grave Location A square outside of town
Date of Murder 1942
Numer of Victims 300 children under 7
Names of Victims Mentioned
Full Testimony Lidowski heard about it in 1942 in the ghetto in Baranowicze from an eye-witness. [...] Children under the age of 7 were taken from their parents and led to a square outside of the town, where a deep and long grave had already been dug. 300 children were tied with a string and herded to the place of execution. They were beaten horribly on the way. On the square they were killed with forks, sticks and knives and thrown into the grave. [...] Then, mothers were brought to the grave to pick their children up. Sounds were still coming from the inside of the grave. Most of the mothers went insane. They were killed and buried with their children.
Testimony Number 301/752
page in longer testimony page 1-2
Date of Testimony
Name of Witness Lidowski testified based on a story told by Chawa Woskobojnik
Current Country Belarus