
Where vicitims are from, last know location Jaslo, Krosno
Town/county where mass grave is located Sieklówka forest
Mass Grave Location Sieklówka forest - On the way to Warzyce, turn towards Sieklówka and the forest and then follow a forest track into the woods until reaching a large glade. One large grave 2m wide size for few hundred people
Date of Murder
Numer of Victims few hundred
Names of Victims Mentioned x
Full Testimony When we got to Warzyce, we turned towards Sieklówka and the forest and then we took a forest track into the woods. We stopped by a large glade, where we were ordered to dig out a large pit. It was two metres wide and its length was adjusted to the number of executed Jews. In the meantime, while we were digging the grave, Germans were transporting Jews in a truck from Jasło to that glade. [...] After a few hours, the glade was full of Jews [...] while we were finishing digging the grave, which was intended for a few hundred people. [...] After the execution, we began filling the grave in.
Testimony Number 301/7164
page in longer testimony pages 1-2
Date of Testimony Kraków, 6 July 1993
Name of Witness Jan Rączka
Current Country Poland