
Where vicitims are from, last know location Lublin
Town/county where mass grave is located Lublin
Mass Grave Location A small clearing in the woods - long deep pit
Date of Murder
Numer of Victims thousands
Names of Victims Mentioned
Full Testimony The trucks slowed down and stopped. They got off. A small clearing in the woods, and there a long and deep pit. They were staring at the pit as if drawn by a magnetic force. (...) Suddenly, a quiet sound of a trumpet was heard and a few high-sided trucks covered with tarpaulin stopped right next to their machines. – „Ausladen und in die Grübe schmeisen” – was ordered. A dreadful load. Human bodies were laid in layers without outdoor clothes and shoes. (...) Suddenly, German creativity gave birth to a solution worthy of his creativity. The commander ordered the prisoners-gravediggers to jump into the pit and squash the corpses with their feet. A dance on human corpses began. (...) The work was done. Corpses fit in the grave. The pit itself was quickly filled in. German pragmatism and economy triumphed once again. After all, the "action" was in progress and the thousands and tens of thousands of bodies had to fit in those pits. - Pits - pits - pits encircling the whole world, in which the freedom and brotherhood of nations was buried once and for all. Whole nations, to be precise. Too slow and not confident enough, having made no promises to gladly serve as nations of slaves, catering to the German Herrenvolk. The pits were supposed to guarantee that Weltraum would become German Lebensraum, and for the second- and third-class nations, Todesraum. Let's save some space and not squander the pits, the dead will sleep peacefully even if they do not have enough space.
Testimony Number 301/6659
page in longer testimony pages 1-2
Date of Testimony July 15 1945
Name of Witness unknown
Current Country Poland