
Where vicitims are from, last know location Vilnius
Town/county where mass grave is located a village near Vilnius - The witness lived in this village
Mass Grave Location near the village, on a sand dune by the pine forest
Date of Murder
Numer of Victims
Names of Victims Mentioned
Full Testimony The execution took place near our village, on a sand dune by the pine forest. Even though I was cupping my hands over my ears I could hear commands in German and after each one a series from a machine gun was fired. Obviously, I did not even look in that direction, but there were people who saw everything. People in their underwear, jumping into their own graves, where only later they were killed by the Lithuanians. And two young Jewish girls, who had to fold the convicts' clothes and carry them to the trucks. They were doing that throughout the whole massacre and in the end they had to take their own clothes to the truck and jump to the grave on the bodies that were already there. And finally, the worst thing that even local people were dreading to talk about. Children could not dare to jump into the grave on their mothers' and fathers' bodies covered in blood, so the executioners were herding them in with cat o' nine tails (type of a whip)! After the execution, a magnificent limo with the conductors of this bloody scene drove past our house. [...] Two young elegant German men - Gestapo officers.
Testimony Number 301/548
page in longer testimony pages 2-3
Date of Testimony Bialystok July 15, 1944
Name of Witness Zofia Żarnowiecka (Pole?)
Current Country Lithuania