
Where vicitims are from, last know location Ivano-Frankivsk
Town/county where mass grave is located Ivano-Frankivsk
Mass Grave Location ? check other testimonies
Date of Murder October 12 1941
Numer of Victims 28000
Names of Victims Mentioned
Full Testimony On 12 October 1941, about 28,000 Jews were gathered in Ivano-Frankivsk, to the satisfaction of locals. After taking all the valuables they undressed Jews and begun a massacre; 12,000 Jews were killed only in one day. The shots were fired towards people standing above the graves from a distance of a few steps; the bodies fell inside the ditch.
Testimony Number 301/4648
page in longer testimony page 4
Date of Testimony
Name of Witness Bertisch D.
Current Country Ukraine