
Where vicitims are from, last know location Tomaszow Lubelski
Town/county where mass grave is located Tomaszow Lubelski
Mass Grave Location in the woods near the city
Date of Murder Autumn 1943
Numer of Victims
Names of Victims Mentioned
Full Testimony [autumn 1943] All Jews from every household were taken to Tomaszów Lubelski. [...] Next, they were led to the forest outside of the city for execution. A few tried to escape, but they were killed in the act. All of them were shot in the woods, but before that they had to dig out pits. They were buried in the woods, in a mass grave which is there to this day.
Testimony Number 301/4149
page in longer testimony Page 5
Date of Testimony
Name of Witness Chana Wajsleder- Szpicajzen
Current Country Poland