
Where vicitims are from, last know location Radekhiv
Town/county where mass grave is located Kamianka-Buzka
Mass Grave Location on a square outside the city
Date of Murder 1943 July - August
Numer of Victims 1500
Names of Victims Mentioned
Full Testimony [In Radekhiv] in July and August 1943, the first extermination actions took place. In the first one, about 1,000 Jews were taken to Bełżec, regardless of their age and gender. [...] About 8 days later another action took place [...] Those who gathered at the main square, were surrounded by Ukrainian Militia and a few German gendarmes. With such an escort, they were herded to Kamianka Buzka, where all 1,500 of them were killed on a square outside the city. They were stripped naked, pushed into the ditches, which had been prepared in advance, and shot.
Testimony Number 301/4115
page in longer testimony Pages 1-2
Date of Testimony September 3 1948
Name of Witness Sala Bernsohn
Current Country Ukraine