
Where vicitims are from, last know location Bochnia (Jews from Krakow and Wisnicz)
Town/county where mass grave is located Bochnia
Mass Grave Location The Jewish cemetery
Date of Murder second Action in November19'42
Numer of Victims 3
Names of Victims Mentioned Mojsie Muller from Krakow, Szymon Friedman (without a hand) from Krakow, and Fichtner or Wertheim fromWisnicz
Full Testimony Three Jews were informers and helpers of Gestapo: Mojsie Müller from Krakow, Szymon Friedman (without a hand) also from Krakow and the third, a young man from Wiśnicz, Fichtner or Wertheimer. They were walking around the ghetto without bands and Mojsie was going around the whole Krakow district as an official Gestapo messenger. During the second action in November 1942 they were executed in the Jewish cemetery on the order of Gestapo.
Testimony Number 301/3400
page in longer testimony pages 1-2
Date of Testimony Krakow, 14 August 1947
Name of Witness Sternhell Abraham
Current Country Poland