
Where vicitims are from, last know location Ivano-Frankivsk
Town/county where mass grave is located Ivano-Frankivsk
Mass Grave Location privately owned yard in Belwederska street
Date of Murder 1942 mid August
Numer of Victims 1500
Names of Victims Mentioned
Full Testimony In mid-August 1942 they were taking men again, the whole Judenrat, some people with their families, and Ordnungsdienst (Jewish Ghetto Police). Some of them, around 1,500 people, were taken to a privately-owned yard at Belwederska street, where pits had been dug the day before, and executed there."
Testimony Number 301/3258
page in longer testimony page 3
Date of Testimony Krakow, 12 June 1947
Name of Witness Herman Sala
Current Country Ukraine