
Where vicitims are from, last know location Siemiakowice (Jews from Slobodka?)
Town/county where mass grave is located Siemiakowice Village near Horodenka
Mass Grave Location Three graves in the woods near Siemiakowice village, 15 km from Horodenka, next to a mansion with a pavilion along the Dniestr River
Date of Murder December 2 1941
Numer of Victims 2400
Names of Victims Mentioned
Full Testimony On 2 December [1941] a few Gestapo officers came to Siemiakowice village, located 15 km away from Horodenka [...] They ordered 40 villagers from the commune to dig, under their supervision, 4 pits in the woods near Siemiakowice, next to the mansion once used as a place of games by tourists. This place is located alongside the river Dniestr [...] were loaded onto already prepared cars and transported to Siemiakowice. There, in the pavilion, people were forced to strip naked while being beaten to speed them up, and then, naked and still being beaten, they were rushed to the pits where a wooden board was placed. There, they were shot [...] During this action about 2,400 Jews were killed. Their bodies are buried in three graves in Siemiakowice
Testimony Number 301/1434
page in longer testimony pages 6-9
Date of Testimony Lodz
Name of Witness Izak Plat
Current Country Ukraine