
Where vicitims are from, last know location Dolina
Town/county where mass grave is located Dolina
Mass Grave Location the Jewish cemetery
Date of Murder
Numer of Victims 3000
Names of Victims Mentioned
Full Testimony There were around 6000 Jews in Dolina including Jews from the surrounding area. Around 3,000 Jews were shot on the spot and the rest, mostly young and strong, were transported to the camp in Wyszków. During the action the town looked like a slaughterhouse. Every morning, crowds of Jews were herded to the cemetery. There, they had to strip naked and stand on a board over a deep mass grave, which had already been prepared. Shots were firing towards many people at once, so only some were dying, others were just severely or slightly wounded. The dead and the woudned were being pushed to the grave and then this mass of people, moaning and writhing in agony, was covered with dirt.
Testimony Number 301/670
page in longer testimony pages 2-3
Date of Testimony Przemysl 1945
Name of Witness Zania Rattenbach
Current Country Ukraine