
Where vicitims are from, last know location Tyniec near Skawina
Town/county where mass grave is located Tyniec near Skawina
Mass Grave Location a forest in Tyniec village, about 4 km on the way back toward the Vistula River. Two graves 30 meters from the road
Date of Murder
Numer of Victims
Names of Victims Mentioned
Full Testimony This platoon conducted the selection. The old, sick and grey-haired (regardless of age) were taken from each cart, in number of 140 people. Gradually, they were transported in trucks to a forest in Tyniec village, about 4 km on the way back toward the Vistula River. Then, they were unloaded at the edge of the forest and herded 30 m into the woods towards the graves, which had been prepared two weeks before by the members of local Baudienst (labour battalion). (...) Members of Baudienst used for help, were covering the layers of dead bodies and injured people with lime. In each of the three graves there are three layers of bodies.
Testimony Number 301/5322
page in longer testimony page 2
Date of Testimony
Name of Witness
Current Country Poland