
התאמות אפשריות נוספות

לחצו על שורה כדי לראות את פרטי העדות המלאים.

מהיכן הקורבנות היישוב או המחוז שבו ממוקם קבר האחים העדות
Budzyn Budzyn [November 1942] They orde...
Będzin Będzin [9 September 1939] The sa...
Będzin Będzin the germans took 18 Jews ...
Bedzin Bedzin On 8 September 1939, from...
Bedzin Bedzin At the same time, a group...
Będzin Będzin [...] On the next day, th...
Będzin Będzin Charred corpses were buri...
Varkovychi, Dubno county Warkowicze The ghetto in Warkowicze ...
Będzin Będzin In the evening of 9 Septe...
Będzin Będzin In the dusk of 9 Septembe...
Łódź Łódź [summer 1942] Those dragg...
Mszana Dolna (Jews from of Krakow, Mszana Dolna, Dobra, Zembrzyce and Łódź) Mszana Dolna I was in Mszana Dolna fro...
Budzyń - labour camp Budzyń - labour camp during the roll-call he n...
Rabka Zdroj (Jews from Rabka, Sącz, Nowy Targ, Jordanów and others) Tereska Each month between April ...
Jodłowa and others who were displaced Jodłowa on the border wiyh Przeczyca village On 12 August 1942, Jews w...
Tarnow Tarnow [24 June 1942] A terrifyi...
Wieliczka Roznowa Already on first day afte...
Tarnow Tarnow At 8 o'clock we saw a car...
Tarnów Tarnów The first victim, a woman...
Tarnow Tarnow [June 1942] Some sick, el...
Tarnow Tarnow [June 1942] Our windows o...
Tarnow Tarnow [Rommelman] ordered every...
Tarnow Tarnow All were gathered on the ...
Tarnow Tarnow During the displacement m...
Tarnow Tarnow That is how he [Goeth] ki...