
התאמות אפשריות נוספות

לחצו על שורה כדי לראות את פרטי העדות המלאים.

מהיכן הקורבנות היישוב או המחוז שבו ממוקם קבר האחים העדות
Przemyśl Przemyśl On 3 September 1943, Germ...
Przemyśl Przemyśl In September 1939 Germans...
Przemyśl Przemyśl In November 1943, on Satu...
Boryslav Boryslav [15 February 1943] 600 pe...
Boryslav Boryslav All of the actions - ther...
Boryslav Boryslav In the end of December 19...
Boryslav Boryslav [February 15, 1943] 600 p...
Boryslav Boryslav Judenrat members were loo...
Boryslaw Boryslaw The first action conducte...
Boryslaw Boryslaw The third action was in O...
Boryslow Boryslow [2nd July 1941] Outside t...
Boryslav Boryslav The action continued thro...
Boryslav Boryslav Another pogrom took place...
Boryslav Boryslav On 17 February [1942] the...
Boryslav Boryslav The second action took pl...
Boryslav Boryslav [December, 1942] Soon aft...
Boryslav Boryslav Sixth action took place i...
Boryslav Boryslav Germans found that hideou...
Boryslav Boryslav During the extermination ...
Boryslav Boryslav Nazis entered Boryslav on...
Peremyshliany Peremyshliany [May 1943] Germans and Uk...
peremyshliany peremyshliany On 4 July, i.e. on Friday...
Węgrów Węgrów The search for Jews in th...
Vawkavysk Vawkavysk The dead were buried in t...
Chortkiv Chortkiv Germans ordered to create...