
התאמות אפשריות נוספות

לחצו על שורה כדי לראות את פרטי העדות המלאים.

מהיכן הקורבנות היישוב או המחוז שבו ממוקם קבר האחים העדות
Peremyshliany vicinity [Ternopil voivodeship] - Jews from neighboring villages Peremyshliany vicinity [Ternopil voivodeship] We were in Peremyshliany ...
Lancut Albigowa 8 km from ‎Łańcut, in the...
Lancut Albigowa The other grave is also i...
Tymowa near Brzesko-Słotwina Tymowa In Tymowa near Brzesko-Sł...
Józefówka near Łucko Józefówka The next day, Jews were l...
Slonim Slonim The first slaughter in Sł...
Tomaszow Mazowiecki (displaced people - not from Tomaszow) Tomaszow Mazowiecki Germans arrested some of ...
Ternopil Blonie The next day, on Thursday...
Dabrowka near Wolomin Dabrowka All of the aforementioned...
Chełmno Chełmno 3 km west toward Koło. It...
Maków Podhalański Maków Podhalański In the spring of 1942 a g...
Maków Podhalański Maków Podhalański In addition, there is an...
Bialystock Hanajki In the Jewish district ca...
Gorlice (mostly Jews brought from Bobowa, Biecz, Rzepiennik Strzyżykowski) Strozowka Jews were also brought fr...
Horodenka Szeparowce [1941] During the first a...
Lublin Tatary On the outskirts of Lubli...
Jaslo Jaslo In the Gestapo headquarte...
Kurów (Jews from Pulawy?) Kurow Gestapo from Puławy arriv...
Łopuszno (Jews from elsewhere) Łopuszno In 1941 German soldiers b...
Biała Rawska Biała Rawska One person was taken from...
Jaslo, Krosno Brzozów Another time we were take...
Jaslo, Krosno Krempna After a few days, they to...
Jaslo, Krosno Jodlowa Another "trip", this time...
Jaslo Warzyce After some time, we were ...
Druya Druya I heard that a similar th...