
התאמות אפשריות נוספות

לחצו על שורה כדי לראות את פרטי העדות המלאים.

מהיכן הקורבנות היישוב או המחוז שבו ממוקם קבר האחים העדות
Radomsyl - Borowa Radomsyl - Borowa On 19th July Radomyśl was...
Rozany Rozany The occupation of Różany ...
Borowa Borowa On 25 June 1943, we were ...
Markowice, County of Nysa Borkowice Exhumation report: "The M...
Rabka Morawa Dolna Germans entered the town ...
Kovno Kovno In July 1941, a day befor...
Dukla Barwinek The group of people inten...
Tluste The Dniester river The Germans transported t...
Dabrowica Sarny After a few weeks, anothe...
Pokuttya Dniester River Dying in the depths of th...
Vilnius Czerwony Dwor One day in the fall of th...
Kurów (Jews from Pulawy?) Kurow Gestapo from Puławy arriv...
Trawniki Trawniki On 3 November - after the...
Wołomin Wołomin "On the day of ghetto liq...
Wołomin Wolomin, Piaski "On the day of ghetto liq...
Medyka near Przemyśl (Jews from neighbouring villages (now located on the USRR's lands) and those living in Medyka (7 families) Medyka I hereby declare I am awa...
Brest on the Bug Bronna Góra Once Jews were loaded ont...
Brest on the Bug Gierszony At the end of the liquid...
Krakow Borek Fałęcki (currently in Krakow) [2 May 1943 - liquidation...
Mszana Dolna (Jews from of Krakow, Mszana Dolna, Dobra, Zembrzyce and Łódź) Mszana Dolna I was in Mszana Dolna fro...
Jodłowa and others who were displaced Jodłowa on the border wiyh Przeczyca village On 12 August 1942, Jews w...
Jordanów, district of Myślenice Strończe On 28 August 1942 Germans...
Bytomsk, Bochnia county In Bytomsk, Bochnia county In Bytomsk, Bochnia count...
Piaski Kalinowszczyzna (a district of Lublin). On 27 March Germans took ...
Dabrowica, Sarny county Dabrowica, Sarny county Old Szwarctuch, his son B...