
התאמות אפשריות נוספות

לחצו על שורה כדי לראות את פרטי העדות המלאים.

מהיכן הקורבנות היישוב או המחוז שבו ממוקם קבר האחים העדות
Mszana Dolna Mszana Dolna Gestapo officers came to ...
Jaworów Porudno Another action took place...
Jaworów Porudno One day, mayor Hałaszczuk...
Jaworów Porudno The second action in the ...
Rabka Morawa Dolna Germans entered the town ...
Mszana Dolna Mszana Dolna In Mszana I saw a hill wh...
Ustrzyki Dolne Berehy Before Erev Rosh Hashanah...
Iziaslav (Jews from "the Aryan side that had hidden) Iziaslav On 3 September [1942] aft...
Mszana Dolna Olszyny On 19 August 1942, an "ac...
Mszana Dolna (Jews from of Krakow, Mszana Dolna, Dobra, Zembrzyce and Łódź) Mszana Dolna I was in Mszana Dolna fro...
Sanok (Jews from Orelec, Olszanica and Stefkowa?) Rudenka A similar, but smaller gr...
Ustrzyki Dolne Berehy 42 Jews coming home after...
Ustrzyki Dolne Ustrzyki Dolne At night they were taken ...
Ustrzyki Dolne Berehy At night they were taken ...
Rozany Rozany The occupation of Różany ...
Rymanow Barwinek On 13 August [1942] the S...
Skidzyel and Lunna Skidzyel and Lunna We went from Grodno to Sk...
Vilnius a village near Vilnius - The witness lived in this village The execution took place ...
Stowbtsy or Świerżeń Akińczyce In July 1941 SS men came ...
Krakow Jews in Rabka Ghetto Rabka 22 May 1942 - first actio...
Radomsyl - Borowa Radomsyl - Borowa On 19th July Radomyśl was...
Lvov Lesien - Piaski sand dunes behind Janowka camp I saw cars loaded with Je...
Slobodka Lesna, near Otynia and neighboring villages Slobodka Lesna In early August [1941] in...
Borowa Borowa On 25 June 1943, we were ...
Kovno Kovno In July 1941, a day befor...