
התאמות אפשריות נוספות

לחצו על שורה כדי לראות את פרטי העדות המלאים.

מהיכן הקורבנות היישוב או המחוז שבו ממוקם קבר האחים העדות
Zbarazh Zbarazh All of them were herded t...
Zbarazh Zbarazh On Wednesday, 1 June 1943...
Chełmno Chełmno 3 km west toward Koło. It...
Vilnius Ponary A week after Germans ente...
Vilnius Ponary On 1st September 1941, Ge...
Vilnius Ponary They began taking people ...
Vilnius Ponary The next day, I found out...
Vilnius Ponary All Jews from that distri...
Vilnius Ponary Not all Jewish people cou...
Vilnius Ponary they (not clear where the...
Jaworów Jaworów On 26/27 June 1941, after...
Jaworów Kurzawce After 8 days, 13 Jews fro...
Jaworów Jaworów Women and children from t...
Vilinius Ponary [1941] The executions too...
Vilnius Ponary They were led by young Li...
Dabrowica Sarny After a few weeks, anothe...
Vilnius Ponary After many days of the fi...
Biłgoraj Biłgoraj Once they killed the watc...
Jaworów Jaworów [1941] Execution of 12 [....
Dabrowica, Sarny county Dabrowica, Sarny county Old Szwarctuch, his son B...
Ternopil Ternopil [July 1941] In general, a...
Ternopil Ternopil On 10 July [1941] many me...
Ternopil Ternopil [March 1943] People were ...
Wlodzimierz Wolynski P'yatydini (P'yatykory?) [1942] Jews were starting...
Ternopil Ternopil [July 1941] The extermina...