
התאמות אפשריות נוספות

לחצו על שורה כדי לראות את פרטי העדות המלאים.

מהיכן הקורבנות היישוב או המחוז שבו ממוקם קבר האחים העדות
Biała Niżna Biała Niżna In 1942 Jews from Biała N...
Rabka Tereska People were gathered acco...
Slonim Slonim Gloomy news about killing...
Lvov Lesienice Each executions was prece...
Biała Rawska Biała Rawska One person was taken from...
Łańcut Łańcut One day in winter [1941/1...
Łańcut Łańcut My parents and my three b...
Slonim Slonim The first slaughter in Sł...
Mostyska Mostyska …and about 500 people wer...
Kobryn (Jews also from Bialowieza) Stragowa village Panzer demanded 200 sick ...
Jozefow, Bilgoraj county Jozefow, Bilgoraj county During Yom Kippur they we...
Dębic Dębic On 17 November 1942 the f...
Siedlce Siedlce In the period of 1941-194...
Siedlce Siedlce The invaders were buildin...
Chełmno (Jews from Klodawa) Chelmno In the evening, when my c...
Szczucin Szczucin All Jews who were at the ...
Pomiechówek Pomiechówek [in the camp] thousands o...
Szczawnica (with Jews from Kroscienko) Kroscienko The bodies of victims fro...
kolodenka Rowne In the fall of 1942 (...)...
Miechów Miechów 22 November 1942 at the J...
Charsznica vicinity [Miechów county] Chodorow On 29 August [1942] an ac...
Radom Szydłowiec I witnessed an execution ...
Mińsk Mazowiecki Chocol village Bodies of the executed Je...
Chelm Chelm On the premises of the ca...
Tłuszcz Tłuszcz Ghetto in Tłuszcz was liq...