
התאמות אפשריות נוספות

לחצו על שורה כדי לראות את פרטי העדות המלאים.

מהיכן הקורבנות היישוב או המחוז שבו ממוקם קבר האחים העדות
Dubno Dubno On 21st August [1941] a f...
Dubno Dubno [May 1942] "Germans gave ...
Lublin Dyss One day Germans came to t...
Tluste The Dniester river The Germans transported t...
Węgrów Węgrów The search for Jews in th...
Zmigrod Halbowa On 7 July 1942 Germans ga...
Spytkowice Camp Zator The bodies were transport...
Horodenka Siemakowce On 4 December 1941 the fi...
Olesko Miodobory Hills Liquidation of the camp i...
Slonim Pietralawicze [November 1941] At the sa...
Slonim Slonim Gloomy news about killing...
Slonim Slonim The first slaughter in Sł...
Sokal Sokal Selected Jews were taken ...
Kolbuszowa Glogow village Transportations from Rzes...
Maków Podhalański Maków Podhalański In the spring of 1942 a g...
Maków Podhalański Maków Podhalański In addition, there is an...
Ashmyany Oszmiana Bartele On 25 July 1941 [...] 12 ...
Borowa Borowa On 25 June 1943, we were ...
Rabka Rabka One of the first collecti...
Rabka Rabka They were taking people f...
Sambir Radlowice In February 1943 there we...
Sambir Radlowice The last tragic action to...
Sambir Radlowice On 22 October 1942, a fou...
Sambir Radlowice On 12 February 1943 a few...
Sambir Radlowice During the action on 22-2...