
התאמות אפשריות נוספות

לחצו על שורה כדי לראות את פרטי העדות המלאים.

מהיכן הקורבנות היישוב או המחוז שבו ממוקם קבר האחים העדות
Kielce Kielce On 31 May 1943 soldiers c...
Miechow Chodów near Charsznica An enormous mass grave is...
Chodów (Jews from neighboring villages) Chodów 19 November 1942 the exec...
Kalush Kalush [July 1941] [the Germans...
Kalush Kalush My father and I ran away ...
Kalush Kalush Around 500 Jews were exec...
Kalush Kalush At the beginning of 1942 ...
Jodłowa and others who were displaced Jodłowa on the border wiyh Przeczyca village On 12 August 1942, Jews w...
Lvov Hycla Gora The vicinity, a so-called...
Krakow (Jews from Liszki, Czernichów, Krzeszowice, Tenczyn and Nowa Góa) Tyniec First bigger action of "J...
Rzeszów Głogów Małopolski Glogow Malopolski The older Jews and the si...
Płaszów (Jews from the "gulag" not the ghetto) Płaszów On the railway embankment...
Skidel Skidel We were driven to Skidel ...
Bialystok Skidel When men from another vil...
Chełmno (Jews from Klodawa) Chelmno In the evening, when my c...
Tykocin Łopuchowo They gathered all Jews fr...
Skała, Miechów county Slomniki The resettlement in Skała...
Kamionka Strumiłowa (along with Jews from Busko, Chołojów, and Radziechów) Kamionka Strumiłowa On Yom Kippur of 1942, th...
Jaslo, Krosno Rzepiennik near Tuchów On the third day, we were...
Miechów Miechów 22 November 1942 at the J...
Pustków camp Chujowa Górka Their barracks were separ...
Pustków camp - Jews from Mielec, Ropczyce, Rzeszów, Sędziszów and the vicinity Chujowa Górka Later on, many Jews were ...
Charsznica vicinity [Miechów county] Chodorow On 29 August [1942] an ac...
Mińsk Mazowiecki Chocol village Bodies of the executed Je...
Chelm Chelm On the premises of the ca...