
התאמות אפשריות נוספות

לחצו על שורה כדי לראות את פרטי העדות המלאים.

מהיכן הקורבנות היישוב או המחוז שבו ממוקם קבר האחים העדות
Ryki commune Zalesive Over a dozen of Jews hid ...
Nowy Sącz Rabka The second action took pl...
Buchach Monasterzyska [1944] "about 600 people ...
Stryj Holobutive At midnight, on 1 Septemb...
Stryj Holobutive On 28 February 1943 an ac...
Stryj Holobutive 5 June 1943 - ghetto liqu...
Stryj Holobutive On 26 August of the same ...
Stryj Holobutiv Although the Jews begged ...
Stryj Stryj and Holobutive soon after that another a...
Stryj Holobutiv On 1 September 1941, 1,00...
Stryj Holobutiv On 3 September 1941, 800 ...
Stryj Holobutiv Forest In July 1941, when German...
Stryj Holobutiv On 28 February 1943, 1,30...
Stryj Holobutiv 5 June 1943, during liqui...
Stryj Holobutiv 25 July 1943 the last cam...
Stryj Holobutow In Sep1941, the first ext...
Pustków camp - Jews from Mielec, Ropczyce, Rzeszów, Sędziszów and the vicinity Chujowa Górka Later on, many Jews were ...
Baranovichi Grabowiec The second action took pl...
Stryj Holobutiv Later on, they gathered m...
Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski From working intelligents...
Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski From working intelligents...
Stryj Holobutiv On 28 February 1943, 1,30...
Stryj Holobutiv The ghetto in Stryj was ...
Rejowiec Rejowiec When everyone was already...
Rejowiec Rejowiec There were constant actio...