
התאמות אפשריות נוספות

לחצו על שורה כדי לראות את פרטי העדות המלאים.

מהיכן הקורבנות היישוב או המחוז שבו ממוקם קבר האחים העדות
Horodenka Kamionka [...] After a few weeks a...
Choroszcz Żółtki and Jaworówka I also know that in the s...
Sokołów Podlaski Sokołów Podlaski After a few days of such ...
Sokołów Podlaski Sokołów Podlaski After a few days of such ...
Slonim forest 50 km from Slonim [July 1941] 10 days after...
Czestechowa? Czarny Las near Czortkow [1941] they began hunting...
Baranovichi (Jews from Czechoslovakia) Baranovichi Several transports of Cze...
Stowbtsy or Świerżeń Akińczyce In July 1941 SS men came ...
Voranava (Jews from Vilnius) Voranava One Friday in the winter ...
Radomsyl - Borowa Radomsyl - Borowa On 19th July Radomyśl was...
Demfeld - near Lvov Demfeld - near Lvov Next action took place on...
Kobryn (Jews also from Bialowieza) Stragowa village Panzer demanded 200 sick ...
Debica (Jews from Radomysl) Wolica The rest of the women and...
Berdechow - Chorzelow Berdechow Villagers from Berdechów ...
Płaszów (Jews from the "gulag" not the ghetto) Płaszów On the railway embankment...
Słomniki (Jews from Charsznica) Slomniki In March 1941, my wife an...
Kłomnice Radom Jews from Kłomnica were q...
Jasło Szebnie 4km outside of Jasło, in ...
Lubartow (Jews from Markuszewo) Lubartow [1942] One day, when goin...
Ivano-Frankivsk (Jews from Rohstoff) Ivano-Frankivsk On 25 April 1943 Jews fro...
Markowice, County of Nysa Borkowice Exhumation report: "The M...
Skala, Miechow county Skala, Miechow county They transported us one k...
Szczawnica (with Jews from Kroscienko) Kroscienko The bodies of victims fro...
Szebnie (Jews from Tarnow) Szebnie "120 people got to Szebni...
Sędziszów (Jews from Pustków, Dębica county) Sędziszów I also know that on the o...