
מהיכן הקורבנות, מיקום ידוע אחרון Wysokie Litewskie
היישוב או המחוז שבו ממוקם קבר האחים Wysokie Litewskie
מיקום קבר האחים Behind the Tannery - near the synangauge
תאריך הרצח
מספר הקורבנות a few dozens
שמות קורבנות מאוזכרים
העדות המלאה Later, they started to gather a few dozens of people in the synagogue; they were executed behind the tannery. [...] I had a good place for observation as I could see Potocki's Palace, from where an army troop was coming, on the other side I saw the synagogue from where the victims were led out. I could observe every action in a panoramic view; they all ended up by the grave about 20 meters from my spot. [...] Germans would immediately leave their positions as if they did not like it; I was just by the ditch were one of the oppressors was taking the blood-soaked clothes of the dead. I was there when they were burying the moaning and still moving bodies, but did not recognize any of the faces.
מספר העדות 301/6133
מס' העמוד בעדות הארוכה page 4
תאריך העדות Nurzec, 6 February 1963
שם העד או העדה Charyton Józef
מדינה נוכחית Belarus