
מהיכן הקורבנות, מיקום ידוע אחרון Ivano-Frankivsk
היישוב או המחוז שבו ממוקם קבר האחים Ivano-Frankivsk
מיקום קבר האחים The Jewish cemetery
תאריך הרצח Autumn 1942
מספר הקורבנות 10000
שמות קורבנות מאוזכרים
העדות המלאה In Autumn 1942, because of Dr. Frank's arrival, a few thousands Jews were herded to the cemetery which was surrounded by a wall. Machine guns were placed on top of it. [...] Severely beaten and tortured Jews were forced to become submissive and had to lay down in rows, one on top of another, while Ukrainian Militia and Gestapo were walking on them like on grass "fixing" with the rifle butts those who, as they thought, were laying in a wrong way. That is how a few hundred people suffocated to death. 10,000 Jews were executed; children and the elderly were thrown into the ditches alive while other corpses were thrown on top of them.
מספר העדות 301/4683
מס' העמוד בעדות הארוכה pages 3-4
תאריך העדות
שם העד או העדה Liebesman
מדינה נוכחית Ukraine