
מהיכן הקורבנות, מיקום ידוע אחרון Bialystok
היישוב או המחוז שבו ממוקם קבר האחים Bialystok
מיקום קבר האחים Grabowka, (6 km from Bialystok) and later outside of Bialystock
תאריך הרצח 1943 August
מספר הקורבנות 4000-5000
שמות קורבנות מאוזכרים
העדות המלאה [April 1943] Some of the Jews, about 6-7,000 were looking for salvation in the shelters. Most of them were discovered by special squads [...] In the first two weeks people found in the shelters were taken to Linas Chacedek, loaded on trucks and transported to Grabówka, 6 km from Białystok, were they were executed. In the following weeks, when less and less people were being captured, they were led to prison to wait until there were 100 or 150 in the group, and then they were taken outside of the town for execution. This is how about 4-5,000 Jews were exterminated.
מספר העדות 301/21
מס' העמוד בעדות הארוכה page 1
תאריך העדות 1945
שם העד או העדה Szymon Amiel
מדינה נוכחית Poland