
Rabbi Pinchas Menachem Justman founded the Hasidic Court of Pilz. He was one of the important rabbis in Poland and become famous as the author of “Righteous Lips”. His mother was the daughter of the founder of Gur Hasidism, Rabbi Yitzchak Meir Alter. After the death of the Admo”r Rabbi Yehudah Aryeh Leib of Gur the author of “Sefat Truth “, was crowned in 1905 as first Admo”r of Pilz. The family moved to Wieruszow and after a short time to Czestochowa where he died in 1920, His grave in the Jewish cemetery in Czestochowa serves as a pilgrimage site for believers and Gur adherents. More than 200 Hasidim of Gur visited the grave a few days ago.

Photos courtesy of Ms Elżbieta Ferenc director of the Fundacia chrzescijanska ADULLAM from Częstochowa.